Classification Standard

What is the UNSPSC standard?

The United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC) is a taxonomy of products and services useD in eCommerce. UNSPSC is managed by GS1 US and is an open, global, multi-sector standard for efficient, accurate classification of products and services. Encompassing a five level hierarchical classification codeset, UNSPSC enables expenditure analysis at grouping levels relevant to your needs.

The UNSPSC offers a single global classification system that can be used for:

  • Company-wide visibility of spend analysis
  • Cost-effective procurement optimization
  • Full exploitation of electronic commerce capabilities

UNSPSC can be downloaded at no cost. On the UNSPSC website you can search and locate commodity codes that represent your products and make use of them in your company.

UNSPSC is a member funded and supported initiative. To gain additional benefits, including access to past versions of the code and the opportunity to shape the code’s future to best meet your business needs, you can join as a member of UNSPSC.

e-proCAT Solutions

How does e-proCAT help you with the UNSPSC standard?

Are you an international manufacturer, dealer, purchaser, or online shop administrator?

You create or receive electronic b2b catalogs and UNSPSC classified product data?

e-proCAT is the industry leading software solution for electronic catalogs according to BMEcat and classification of product data according to the UNSPSC standard.

  • Classify product data to UNSPSC. Search and find UNSPSC codes within the UNSPSC standard.
  • Reclassify your product data within different UNSPSC releases or to other standards like ECLASS.
  • Enter characteristics and fill and describe UNSPSC features
  • Check and validate your classified product data. Ensure and guarantee correct UNSPSC codes
  • Enrich your electronic b2b catalogs by integrating UNSPSC into your BMEcat catalogs
  • Edit your UNSPSC classifications in e-proCAT and customize your commodity categories
  • Convert your UNSPSC codes into text

e-proCAT is your UNSPSC solution

Once you decided to use the UNSPSC standard you can select your preferred UNSPSC Version in e-proCAT and upload your product data right away. Start mapping your product master data to the according UNSPSC fields, supported by our software smart suggestions. If any of your information is missing, take advantage of our mass editing function to fill in missing product data with ease. You can then export your final UNSPSC catalog for many use cases:

Try for yourself!

Sign up for your free e-proCAT demo and start creating your first B2B catalog today!