B2B Catalog Standard

What is BMEcat?

BMEcat is a standardized catalog exchange format for product information. The XML based catalog standard is used by B2B organizations to optimize procurement and sales processes. BMEcat makes a significant contribution to product data management and forms the secure basis for handling intangible information and data along the entire supply chain.

It is designed in a way not only supports that the procurement process from ordering to invoicing, but also guides you along it. Introducing BMEcat offers many advantages:

  • Time savings in data entry and exchange
  • Cost savings
  • Improvement of master data quality
  • Combination with classifications such as ETIM, ECLASS or UNSPSC
  • Comprehensive article information in just one file
  • Fast processing of product data
  • Reduction of error probability during ordering
  • Current and individual product prices in your system for more flexibility and better customer service
e-proCAT Solutions

How does e-proCAT help you with the BMEcat standard?

Are you a manufacturer, wholesaler, purchaser, or online shop administrator?

Do you create, receive, or validate product information formatted as BMEcat catalogs?

There are various reasons why a catalog solution will make your life a lot easier when dealing with BMEcat files. e-proCAT is the industry leading software solution for electronic B2B catalogs and supports you throughout the entire process of BMEcat catalog handling.

Create BMEcat catalogs – Quick and automated creation of catalogs as well as sub catalogs

Edit BMEcat catalogs – Client specific modifications (price, delivery conditions, etc.)

Validate BMEcat catalogs – 100% correct BMEcat catalogs

Export BMEcat catalogs – Export all product data as CSV

Mix BMEcat catalogs – Combine multiple BMEcat catalogs or create sub catalogs for specific clients or use cases

BMEcat Media / MIME-Management – Attach images to every article in the BMEcat catalog

Classify BMEcat catalogs – Automated classification of your BMEcat catalogs to ECLASS / ETIM / UNSPSC

Reclassify BMEcat catalogs – supports all common classification systems and releases

e-proCAT is your BMEcat solution

Once you have decided to use electronic BMEcat catalogs to digitize your business processes, e-proCAT is the perfect tool for the job.

Create your electronic BMEcat catalogs from your master product data in seconds with e-proCAT. Even millions of articles are converted to BMEcat in just a few moments.

Cater to your customers’ demands and select the right BMEcat release for your business case: e-proCAT lets you choose a BMEcat 1.2, BMEcat 2005 and provides you with almost 200 customer-specific BMEcat variations. If you need multiple BMEcat releases, you can easily make adjustments to customer-specific requirements directly in e-proCAT. Your master data remains unchanged.

e-proCAT is a standalone solution, that runs on multiple operating systems. The 64-bit infrastructure ensures high performance processing, and the software can be installed quickly and easily, using minimum of hard drive space. Simply connect your PIM system, your ERP software, or any other databases or file format directly to e-proCAT.

Make use of e-proCAT’s validation functionality to ensure that you only process and/or send catalogs that are error-free. In addition, these processes can be fully or partially automated in batch mode, if needed.

With over 20 years of experience in BMEcat and classification and over 1.000 happy customers worldwide, we are the right partner at your side!

Try for yourself!

Sign up for your free e-proCAT demo and start creating your first B2B catalog today!