B2B Catalog Standard

What is GS1 XML?

GS1 XML is an electronic data interchange (EDI) standard enabling the exchange of transactional information between trading partners.

GS1 uses XML to create a set of standard messages for the GS1 EDI.These messages can be exchanged using any technical solution or internet transport protocol and include information on order to cash, transport, and logistics. Find out more on the GS1 XML website.

GS1 XML is used by B2B organizations to optimize procurement and sales processes. By providing a common structure GS1 XML serves international businesses anywhere in the world. It can be scaled to meet new requirements from different industries and is capable of being extended to meet specific business sector and regional requirements.

Introducing GS1 XML can offer you many advantages:

  • Time savings in data entry and transfer
  • Cost savings
  • Improvement of master data quality
  • Combination with classifications such as ECLASS
  • Comprehensive article information in just one file
  • Fast processing of product data
  • Reduction of error probability during ordering
  • Current and individual product prices in your system for more flexibility and better customer service
e-proCAT Solutions

How does e-proCAT help you with the GS1 XMLCIN 2.3 standard?

Are you a manufacturer, dealer, purchaser, or online shop administrator? Do you create, receive, or validate product information formatted as GS1 XML CIN 2.3 catalogs?

There are various reasons why a catalog solution will make your life a lot easier when dealing with GS1 XML CIN 2.3 files. e-proCAT supports you throughout the entire process of GS1 XML CIN 2.3 catalog handling.

Create GS1 XML CIN 2.3 catalogs – Quick and automated creation of catalogs as well as sub catalogs

Edit GS1 XML CIN 2.3 catalogs – Client specific modifications (price, delivery conditions, etc.)

Validate GS1 XML CIN 2.3 catalogs – 100% correct GS1 XML CIN 2.3 catalogs

Export GS1 XML CIN 2.3 catalogs – Export all product data as CSV

Mix GS1 XML CIN 2.3 catalogs – Combine multiple GS1 XML CIN 2.3 catalogs or create sub catalogs for specific clients or use cases

GS1 XML Media / MIME-Management – Attach images to every article in the GS1 XML CIN 2.3 catalog

Classify GS1 XML CIN 2.3 catalogs – Automated classification of your GS1 XML CIN 2.3 catalogs to ECLASS

e-proCAT is your GS1 XML CIN 2.3 solution

Once you have decided to introduce GS1 XML CIN 2.3 catalogs to your business processes, e-proCAT is the tool to get you running right off the start.

Create your electronic GS1 XML CIN 2.3 catalogs from your master product data in seconds with e-proCAT. Even millions of articles are converted to GS1 XML CIN 2.3 in just a few moments.

e-proCAT being a standalone solution, it can be installed quickly with a little amount of space. Simply connect your PIM, your ERP, or any of your databases to e-proCAT.

Make use of e-proCAT’s validation functionality to ensure that you only process and/or send catalogs that are free of errors. All of these processes can be fully or partially automated in batch mode if desired.

With over 20 years of experience in classification and over 1.000 happy customers worldwide, we are the right partner at your side!

Try for yourself!

Sign up for your free e-proCAT demo and start creating your first B2B catalog today!